Discover our results in our scientific publications

To share our discoveries and contributions with the scientific and technological community, we have created an exclusive space where we compile our most recent research.

In our Scientific Publications section, you will find a selection of specialized studies and articles that address various facets of Edge AI. This section is designed to facilitate access to relevant and up-to-date information in this constantly evolving field.

  • What can you find in our Scientific Publications section?
  1. dAIEDGE Publications: Studies and research papers developed by our team of experts, where we share advances, methodologies and optimisations for AI in edge devices.
  2. Related scientific publications: A collection of peer-reviewed articles and featured papers that delve into the latest trends and discoveries in the field of Edge AI.

If you would like to learn more about our research or explore the fascinating world of Edge AI, we invite you to visit our Scientific Publications section. There you will find valuable information that can help you better understand the applications and future of artificial intelligence at the edge.

Click here to access our publications.