dAIEDGE participated in the ADRA Launch Event: showcasing the future of innovation in AI, Data, and Robotics

The dAIEDGE team had the privilege of participating in the ADRA launch event, a momentous happening that opened the doors to the future of innovation in artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics and robotics. This event, which took place virtually on 22 February, served as a platform for unveiling the new set of projects funded under various Horizon 2023 and 2022 calls.

The event was initiated with a comprehensive introduction by the European Commission, followed by live presentations from distinguished representatives of the Adra-e Platform and AIonDemand. The diversity and breadth of the projects presented at ADRA was highlighted, thanks to a variety of dynamic presentations in the form of two-minute videos covering the 54 projects funded in a wide range of domains.

dAIEDGE was honoured to be presented at this event together with our partner projects ENFIELD and ELIAS. During our participation, we were able to share in a concise yet impactful manner the objectives, vision and impact of our projects. In addition, both dAIEDGE and the other projects were included in a joint catalogue that was distributed both online and offline, thus providing greater visibility to our initiatives and achievements.

Importantly, the ADRA event attracted an audience of renowned experts in the AI, data analytics and robotics communities. From leading researchers to developers and domain experts to government representatives and policy makers, the event was a key meeting point for exchanging ideas, experiences and perspectives on the future of these technologies and their impact on society.