Privacy Policy


In compliance with the Personal Data Protection Regulations and the Law on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the personal data you provide us with through the website, will be treated confidentially and will become part of the data controller FUNDACIÓN INSTITUTO INTERNACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN EN INTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL Y CIENCIAS DE LA COMPUTACIÓN (hereinafter AIR INSTITUTE).


1. Data Controller

TAX ID: G37571627
Postal Address: Av. Santiago Madrigal, 37003 Salamanca (Spain)
Telephone: 983642099

Contact with the Data Protection Officer:


2. Personal Data Collection

AIR INSTITUTE may collect a variety of personal data necessary for its operations, which may include:

  • Contact information, such as names, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers.
  • Identification information, such as tax identification numbers.
  • Professional information, including positions and institutional affiliations.
  • Any category of data necessary for the performance of the requested services for which the Foundation is responsible.

This data collection will be carried out under the principles of legality, loyalty and transparency, purpose limitation, data minimisation, accuracy, limitation of the retention period, integrity and confidentiality, as well as proactive responsibility, in accordance with the GDPR and the Spanish Organic Law on Personal Data Protection (LOPDGDD).


3. Purposes of Data Processing

Personal data collected by AIR INSTITUTE will be used exclusively for the legitimate and specific purposes detailed below, which include:

a. Development and Promotion of an AI Research and Innovation Ecosystem:

 This includes fostering an innovative AI ecosystem, advancing AI research and innovation, creating technological value through exemplary AI applications, coordinating pan-European collaborations, developing a virtual centre of excellence and building a strong community.

Basis of legitimacy: AIR INSTITUTE's legitimate interest in promoting and supporting AI research, technology development and collaboration.

b. Organisation and Management of the Event:

Basis of legitimisation: The basis that legitimises this processing is AIR INSTITUTE's legitimate interest in ensuring the proper organisation and management of the project, as well as the fulfilment of the contractual and logistical obligations associated with it.

c. Communication of Relevant Information About the Event:

Basis of legitimisation: The basis that legitimises this processing is AIR INSTITUTE's legitimate interest in keeping participants informed about logistical aspects, changes, updates and other relevant information related to the event.

d. Customer Service:

If you request information about the services or send us queries, suggestions, complaints, claims or incidents through any of the channels that AIR INSTITUTE makes available to you for this purpose (specific form, telephone or email) the personal data will be processed in order to manage and deal with your request by email or telephone call depending on the means used by you to send us your request.

Basis of legitimacy: the data processing will be carried out for the implementation, at the request of the data subject, of pre-contractual measures or for the execution of the contract (terms of contract) to which you are a party for the purchase or reservation of products or services.

e. Sending of Newsletters:

Only if you expressly consent to this by ticking the box provided for this purpose on the various forms on this website, your personal data will be processed by AIR INSTITUTE to send you newsletters by any means, including electronic means (e-mail, SMS, telephone calls).

Basis of legitimacy: this processing will only be carried out if you voluntarily give your express consent by ticking the box provided for this purpose in the respective forms on this website. We remind you that, in addition to the other rights granted to you by data protection regulations, you may also withdraw your consent at any time and request to unsubscribe from the sending of commercial communications.

f. Compliance with Legal Obligations:

Personal data will be processed in order to comply with legal obligations applicable to AIR INSTITUTE as a result of the relationship maintained with you as a customer and the processing of your personal data in accordance with European Union law and/or the applicable domestic legal framework (legal obligations required by tax regulations, personal data protection regulations, commercial law regulations, user and consumer protection regulations, information society services and e-commerce regulations, civil law regulations, accounting regulations, etc.).

Basis of legitimacy: compliance with legal obligations applicable to AIR INSTITUTE under European Union law and/or the applicable domestic legal system. Without your personal data, AIR INSTITUTE would not be able to adequately comply with the above legal obligations or meet any potential legal liabilities arising from its relationship with you or the processing of your personal data.

g. Photographs and Filming at DAIEDGE:

AIR INSTITUTE informs that, in the case of processing related to event management and attendance, it is possible to take pictures and/or film videos of the attendees, general shots and ambient sound. The purpose is to publicise and promote the image and brand of AIR INSTITUTE in its own and third-party media, both internally and externally, in order to give greater visibility to the entity and to shape a public image of AIR INSTITUTE and the people who relate to it in accordance with the ideals and values that govern its activity, through the dissemination of the activities and events that it organises.

The processing of the images of interested parties, employees or collaborators is carried out with respect for the individual, in compliance with Organic Law 1/1982 of 5 May, on the protection of the right to honour, to personal and family privacy and to one's own image, and eliminating any images or filming that could infringe fundamental rights.

We also inform you that you may object to any of the processing relating to the use of images as indicated in section 6 of this privacy policy.

In the event that you do not provide us with your details or you do so incorrectly or incompletely, we will not be able to attend to your request, making it strictly impossible to provide you with the information requested or to proceed with the contracting of the services.


4. Addressees

AIR INSTITUTE collaborates with a consortium of European experts from multiple disciplines whose skills are aligned with the objectives of the ‘HORIZONTE-CL4-2022-HUMANO-02-02 project. This team is dynamic and capable of effectively managing the planned activities to achieve the expected results and impacts.

AIR INSTITUTE does not sell, transfer or lease in any way its customers‘ or users’ personal information or data to third parties, except in the event of a legal obligation or in the case of data processors, who are clearly identified on our website and undertake to comply with the applicable data protection regulations.


5. Legitimation

Your data is processed on the following legal bases that legitimise it:

In the event that you do not provide us with your details, or you provide them incorrectly or incompletely, we will be unable to process your request, making it impossible for us to provide you with the information requested or to proceed with the contracting of services.

  • Consent of the data subject: For specific activities within the DAIEDGE project, such as participation in the project itself, specialised talks and networking events, the explicit consent of the data subjects will be requested for the processing of their personal data.
  • Performance of a contract: Where the processing of data is necessary for the performance of a contract related to the registration and participation in the DAIEDGE event, the legitimation will be based on the need to carry out such registration and to fulfil the obligations arising from it.
  • Legitimate interest: In some cases, data processing may be based on AIR INSTITUTE's legitimate interest in the efficient organisation and management of the project, provided that this interest does not override the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subjects.


6. Retention

The collected personal data will be kept for as long as it is necessary for the purposes of the DAIEDGE project or as long as you do not object or request its deletion and for the period of time for which legal responsibilities may arise from the services provided.

It will be retained for as long as there is a mutual interest in maintaining the purpose of the processing and when it is no longer necessary for that purpose, it will be deleted with appropriate security measures to ensure the pseudonymisation of the data or the complete destruction of the data.


7. Rights of data subjects

You may request the exercise of these rights by sending an e-mail to providing a copy of your identity document and indicating your name and surname(s), an address for notification purposes and the right you wish to exercise:

  •  Any person has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not our company is processing personal data concerning them.
  • Interested parties have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, to request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
  •  Data subjects may request the restriction of the processing of their data while the accuracy of the data is being verified; where the processing is lawful but you object to the erasure of your data; if the controller does not need to process your data but you need it for the exercise or defence of claims; or where you have objected to the processing of your data for the fulfilment of the controller's legitimate interest, while we verify whether the legitimate grounds for the processing outweigh your legitimate grounds for the processing; in which case we will only retain it for the exercise or defence of claims.
    • Consent of the data subject: For specific activities within the DAIEDGE project, such as participation in the project itself, specialised talks and networking events, the explicit consent of the data subjects will be requested for the processing of their personal data.
    • Performance of a contract: Where the processing of data is necessary for the performance of a contract related to the registration and participation in the DAIEDGE event, the legitimation will be based on the need to carry out such registration and to fulfil the obligations arising from it.
    • Legitimate interest: In some cases, data processing may be based on AIR INSTITUTE's legitimate interest in the efficient organisation and management of the project, provided that this interest does not override the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subjects.

You may exercise these rights by sending a request to the above address.


8.Use of Cookies

AIR INSTITUTE informs its users that it uses cookies on its website. Cookies are small text files that are stored by your browser on the user's hard drive. When you browse through our website, our server will be able to recognise the cookie and provide us with information about your last visit. Most browsers accept the use of cookies automatically, but you can configure your browser to be warned on your computer screen of the reception of cookies and to be able to prevent their installation on your hard drive. In no case can the files -cookies- read information from your hard drive or files created by other sites. To read our Cookies Policy, click on the following link: COOKIES POLICY.


9. Accuracy of Data and Updating of Data

The User guarantees that the Personal Data provided to AIR INSTITUTE are true and is responsible for communicating any changes to them. The user shall be solely responsible for any direct or indirect damage or harm that may be caused to AIR INSTITUTE or any third party as a result of filling in the forms with false, inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date data. The User shall not include personal data of third parties without their prior informed consent in accordance with the provisions of this data protection policy, and shall be solely responsible for their inclusion. All data requested through the website are obligatory, as they are necessary for the provision of an optimal service. If not all the data is provided, there is no guarantee that the information and services provided will be completely tailored to your needs. In order to provide us with your personal data, you must be at least 14 years of age.


10. Social Networking

AIR INSTITUTE will use social networks as a means of communication and promotion of its services. Under no circumstances will we use the data for purposes that are not permitted. The Foundation is not responsible for the contents, comments, opinions or information, whether our own or those of third parties, that users publish on our accounts created on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Zenodo. You may use our content for lawful purposes, as long as you mention its origin or author. The purpose of the data collected will be the database of users and contacts of the company's social media accounts. Please note that the use of social networks is subject to the privacy policies of each of them.


11. Confidentiality and Security of the User’s Data

AIR INSTITUTE has adopted the necessary measures to prevent the alteration, loss, processing or unauthorised access to personal data, taking into account the state of technology at all times. However, the User must be aware that security measures on the Internet are not impregnable.

The data obtained through the website and/or any other means will be treated by the CONTROLLER with absolute confidentiality, undertaking to keep them secret.

That in accordance with the provisions of the regulations in force on Personal Data Protection, the CONTROLLER is complying with all the provisions of the GDPR and the Spanish Organic Law on Personal Data Protection (LOPDGDD) for the processing of the personal data under its responsibility, and manifestly with the principles described in Article 5 of the GDPR and in Title II of the Spanish Organic Law on Personal Data Protection (LOPDGDD), by which they are processed in a lawful, fair and transparent manner in relation to the data subject and are adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.

The CONTROLLER guarantees that it has implemented appropriate technical and organisational policies to apply the security measures established by the GDPR and the Spanish Organic Law on Data Protection (LOPDGDD) in order to protect the rights and freedoms of Users and has provided them with the appropriate information so that they can exercise them.

The legislation on data protection may be modified, and we therefore strongly recommend that you regularly check our Data Protection Policy.

We inform you that the AIR INSTITUTE website does not offer encryption and that the information sent over the Internet without encryption can be seen by other people. By submitting our forms, you accept the sending of unencrypted information.


12. Modification of the Data Protection Policy

AIR INSTITUTE reserves the right to change its privacy policy at its sole discretion, or as a result of changes in legislation, case law or business practice. Should AIR INSTITUTE make any changes, the new text will be published on this website, where the User will be able to find out about AIR INSTITUTE's current data protection policy. In any case, the relationship with users will be governed by the rules in force at the precise moment when the website is accessed.


13. Further Information

If you have any questions or comments, please contact AIR INSTITUTE by e-mail at the above address.