Our 2nd Open Call Closes with record-breaking results

The second dAIEDGE Open Call concluded last Thursday, 13th March, with outstanding results, exceeding all our expectations.

After two months of extensive outreach and collaboration with the community, including two informative webinars attended by 138 participants, we received an extraordinary response, reflecting the growing interest in artificial intelligence applied to Edge Computing. A total of 529 applications were initiated, with 236 successfully submitted, attracting participants from 33 countries—Greece, Spain, and Italy leading the way. Additionally, 21 applications came from consortia formed by two entities, strengthening cooperation in research and the development of innovative solutions.

The applicants represent a diverse range of backgrounds, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), academic institutions, and research and technology organisations (RTOs), highlighting the cross-sector nature of AI innovation. The submitted projects focused on three key areas:

  1. The development of intelligent and adaptive AI agents at the Edge,
  2. Enhancing AI model predictions through security and reliability approaches (SAFE AI), and
  3. Mobile detection of concealed weapons.

These challenges reflect current industry trends and the increasing demand for safer, more efficient, and adaptive solutions in Edge Computing.

Around ten projects will be selected to receive up to €60,000 in funding and participate in a seven-month support programme.

At dAIEDGE, we sincerely thank all participants for their interest and dedication and reaffirm our commitment to advancing research and development in artificial intelligence for Edge Computing, fostering initiatives that drive technological progress and enhance the sector’s competitiveness.

The results of this Open Call will be announced before summer.