Europe showcases dAIEDGE through CORDIS

We are pleased to share that the dAIEDGE project has been featured in a recent CORDIS article titled "Giving Europe the Edge in AI Advancements."

This is a significant achievement, as the Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) is the European Commission’s primary source for disseminating the results of projects funded under the EU’s framework programmes for research and innovation, from the First Framework Programme (FP1) to Horizon Europe. As part of the European Commission’s Research and Innovation community platform, CORDIS plays a key role in increasing the visibility of innovative projects and complements the Funding & Tenders website, where researchers can apply for funding and seek partners.

The article highlights our commitment to strengthening and supporting the development of Europe’s dynamic distributed and edge artificial intelligence ecosystem. It also showcases the launch of our second open call, designed to support research projects that develop innovative solutions leveraging the power of edge AI. This initiative aims to bring together leading research centres, universities, and industry partners across Europe into a dynamic network of excellence, with the goal of advancing Europe’s technological foundations and positioning it as a global leader in the data economy.

The article also covers our first open call, which was a resounding success, attracting 146 applications from researchers worldwide and ultimately resulting in 36 full proposals from 21 countries. This level of interest reflects both the relevance and the potential of edge AI in addressing specific industrial challenges and driving innovation across various sectors.

The full article is available in six languages (English, German, Spanish, French, Italian and Polish) by clicking here.