dAIEDGE will be represented at the Cascade Funding Online Conferences Presentation Day

Online presentation of the Cascade Funding calls aimed at companies interested in receiving funding and mentoring to experiment with disruptive technologies (AI, Blockchain...) in order to integrate and develop technological innovations.

In addition, Cascade Funding is a mechanism of the European Commission (EC) to distribute public funds to support SMEs and midcaps but also start-ups in the integration and development of technological innovations. These funds are made available to companies through Open Calls launched by projects financed by the European Union. In this case, Yolanda Ramos will present our first Open Calls and answer any questions you may have.


  • 09:30 Welcome and presentation of the conference
  • 09:35 Introduction to cascading finance mechanisms and methodologies
  • 10:00 Presentation of cascading funding opportunities
  • 10:45 The recipe for a successful application
  • 11:00 What an EDIH can do to support you in securing Cascade finance
  • 11:25 Questions and answers 
  • 11:30 Closing of the event


Date 25/09/2024

Online (Zoom)

Modality On-line